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PRINCETON, NJ Freeman Dyson, 91, kuuluisa fyysikko, kirjailija ja Oracle of human destiny, pidetään jälkeen tee-aika helmikuun iltapäivällä yhteinen huone Institute of Advanced Study. Haluan kertoa teille tarinan siitä, kuinka löysin Turingin, joka oli vuonna 1941, hän sanoo, että olen vain tutustumassa kirjastoon Cambridgeissa. Sain sen 1936 paperin, jota en ole koskaan kuullut tästä kaveri Turingistä, mutta näin tämän paperin ja heti sanoin Tämä on jotain aivan loistavaa laskettavaa numeroa, se oli jotain, joka oli ilmeisesti loistava. Sitten sitten naurulla. Mutta minulle ei koskaan tullut mitään merkitystä. Oi kyllä, laskennallisilla numeroilla, hakemuksella Entscheidungsproblemiin, Oli käytännöllinen merkitys, koska se oli tietenkin tietokoneen aikakauden perustajajulkaisu Turingin, joka olisi Alan Turing 1912-1954, teki niin paljon kuin kukaan luomaan digitaalisen vallankumouksen, joka jatkuu puhkeavan ympärillämme. Turing on ollut suurta tunnettu tietokonepohjaisten tutkijoiden joukossa Mutta viime vuosina hänen tilansa kulttuurikuvana on kasvanut jatkuvasti ja miljoonat ihmiset tuntevat hänet Oscar-ehdokkaan elokuvasta The Imitation Game. Elokuva keskittyy Turingin sankarisointiin N toisen maailmansodan aikana, kun hän työskenteli brittiläisen tiedustelupalvelun palveluksessa ja hänellä oli keskeinen rooli saksalaisen Enigma-koodin murtamisessa. Natsi-Enigma-salauslaite on esillä Toisen maailmansodan museossa Natickissa, Mass in Oscar-ehdokas elokuva The Imitation Game, Benedict Cumberbatch johtaa kooditahdon toimintaa, joka kohdistuu koneisiin Elise Amendola AP. Näemme Turingin Benedict Cumberbatchin, joka on myös ehdokas Oscarille, joka työskentelee pakkomielteisesti koodaavan koneen rakentamisen jälkeen. Sodan jälkeen hän jatkaa edelleen Kappaleen laitteisto Elokuva sulkeutuu arvoituksella. Hänen koneensa ei koskaan ole täydellistynyt, vaikka se tuotti kokonaan tutkimuksen, joka tunnettiin nimellä Turing Machines Today, kutsumme heitä tietokoneiksi. Todellisuudessa Turingin suurin läpimurto ei ollut mekaaninen vaan teoreettinen, että 1936 paperissa Dyson puhui On Computable Englannissa kirjoitetut numerot julkaistiin Lontoon matemaattisen seurakun - nan töissä, kun Turing saapui Princetoniin, jossa hän vietti kaksi lukuvuotta ansaitsemaan Ph D: n. Saatiin paperin s yhtälöitä ja matemaattisia teorioita voimakas idea siitä, että Olisi mahdollista rakentaa kone, joka voisi laskea kaiken, mitä ihminen voisi laskea, Turing käsitteli kysymystä logiikasta, mutta prosessissa hän selkeästi kuvasi todellisen koneen, jota joku voisi rakentaa, joka käyttää 0s ja 1s laskemiseen. Ja täällä me olemme. Hän keksin idean ohjelmistosta, lähinnä Dyson sanoo sen ohjelmisto, joka on todella tärkeä keksintö. Meillä oli tietokoneita ennen kuin ne olivat mekaanisia laitteita. En ole koskaan ennen ollut ohjelmisto. Se on oleellinen epäjatkuvuus. Kone todella päättäisi, mitä tehdä. 56-sivuinen käsinkirjoitettu käsikirjoitus sisältää Turingin monimutkaisia matemaattisia ja tietoteknisiä merkintöjä Bebeto Matthews AP. The Imitation Game - elokuvan tekijät valitsivat keskittymään laitteistoon. Elokuvan versiona Turing on käytännössä yksinäinen keksijä, Ajatus koodin katkaisevasta koneesta ja sitten vain vastahakoisesti hyväksymällä kollegoiden avustuksen Tosielämän koneen, joka tunnetaan nimellä bombe, rakennettiin yhteistyössä, joka perustui puolalaisia matemaatikkoja käyttäviin laitteisiin, jotka toimivat Enigman dekoodaamiseksi. Ja bombe Ei ollut tietokonetta. Se voisi tehdä vain yhden asian, joka jauhaa Saksan s-salauslaitteiden mahdollisten asetusten avulla. Sitä ei voitu ohjelmoida uudelleen. Turingin suunniteltu pommi ei ollut merkittävä edistys tietotekniikassa Se oli sähkömekaaninen laite, jossa on relekytkimet ja roottorit pikemminkin kuin tyhjiöputket ja elektroniset piirit, kirjoittaa Walter Isaacson kirjassaan The Innovators - historian historiasta. , Keksinyt tietokoneen Vastaus on, paljon ihmisiä Aivan kuin yrittää löytää Amazonin lähde Mutta keskeinen tällainen keskustelu ovat Turing ja toinen proteanieni, joka roikkuu Princetonin Fine Hallin ympärillä 1930-luvun lopulla John von Neumannin. Cambridge tuotti tämän elokuvan vuonna 2012 Alan Turingin syntymävuosikymmenen vuosikymmeneksi. Turing opiskeli Cambridge-yliopistossa Cambridgen yliopistollisena yliopistona. Vanhempi unkarilainen amerikkalainen Neonni ei ollut Princetonin professori, vaan hänellä oli yksi instituutin ensimmäisistä nimityksistä Advanced Study, joka 1930-luvun lopulla ei vielä ollut oma rakennusinstituutin tiedekuntaan, pantiin Fine Halliin Princetonin professoreiden S kanssa O Turingin yhteinen tila von Neumannin ja toisen huomionarvoisen instituutin tutkijan kanssa Albert Einsteinin nimellä. Von Neumannin ajatukset kääntyivät laskemiseen vasta sen jälkeen, kun Turing oli tuottanut laskennallisia numeroita. Todella vähän dokumentaatiota kerrotaan siitä, mitä von Neumann sai Turingistä. Se on kiistanalainen kysymys, kertoo tunnetusta elämäkerrasta kirjoittaja Andrew Hodges, joka inspiroi elokuvan Hodgesin sanoneen, että hän ei voinut keskustella elokuvasta, viitaten epäselvästi sopimusperusteiseen Elokuva-oikeuksia koskevat asiat. Mikä on varmaa, että von Neumann ymmärsi nopeasti tietokoneiden potentiaalin ja työskennellyt kuumeisesti rakentamalla ne Turingin teoreettisten käsitteiden perusteella. Von Neumann ymmärsi, että tietokoneen pitäisi tallentaa ohjelmia sisäisesti. Sinun ei tarvitse muuttaa laitteistoa muutokseen Laskenta Ohjelmisto tekisi tempun. Tietokoneen vallankumous mahdollisti tietokoneen muistiin tallennetun ohjelman avulla, kertoo Princetonin tietojenkäsittelytieteiden osaston johtaja Andrew W Appel, joka on keksinyt tietojenkäsittelytieteen ja tietokoneen idean, ja John von Neumann rakensi ensimmäisen tallennetun ohjelman Tietokonetta. Turingin jatkuvaa jälkeä Princetonissa Hänen 1938 PhD-diplomityöstään, ordinaalijärjestelmiä, jotka perustuvat ordinaaleihin, voidaan tarkastella Mudd-kirjaston erittäin hiljaisessa lukusalissa Princetonin yliopiston arkistotallennuksesta Jokin näkymättömänä, joka vastaa tietokonepohjaiseen pyyntöön, Jätät sen puolestasi puupöydälle, joka on asetettu tavalliseen kansioon, herkkä sipuli-ihon paperi, joka on irtotavarana ja sitomaton, sanat puhtaasti kirjoitettuina manuaalisessa kirjoituskoneessa ja vapaasti maustettuna Turingin käsinkirjoitetuilla matemaattisilla symboleilla. Kännykkää tai kameraa huoneeseen Ei ole mitään paperia, eikä varmasti mitään vaarallista kuin kynän, koska jos yhtäkkiä tuntuu houkuttelevalta merkitä Turingin opinnäytetyötä jonkin verran Teemaattisia oivalluksia. Fine Hall on sen sijaan huolellisesti säilynyt siitä aikakaudesta lähtien, kun Turing, von Neumann ja Einstein liikkuivat käytäviin. Tämä on oikeastaan, miltä se näytti 1930-luvulta. Nämä ovat samoja ovia, samoja seiniä, kertoo Appel, tietotekniikan tutkija, joka johtaa improvisoitu kiertue siitä, mitä nykyään tunnetaan nimellä Jones Hall, Itä-Aasian ja Lähi - Itäiset tutkimukset. Turingillä voisi käydä tunnelin läpi Palmerin fyysisessä laboratoriossa kellariasemalle. Tässä työpaikassa hän rakensi binaarisen kertojan sähkölaitteistoa, joka on nykyään peruslaitteita. Hän oli kiinnostunut siitä, kuinka voit todella rakentaa tietokoneita, Appel sanoo, että hän todella halusi houkutella ympärilleen ja rakentaa jotain todellista. Niin von Neumann, ja hän teki sen huolimatta vastustuksesta niitä, jotka tunsivat Institute for Advanced Study pitäisi keskittyä puhtaasti teoreettiseen Harjoitukset Von Neumannin työ oli sotilastarkoituksia kylmän sodan aikana Dyson muistaa, kuinka 1950-luvun alussa käytettiin instituutin Neumann-suunniteltua tietokonetta luokiteltuun työhön, jossa tutkittiin vetypommien dynamiikkaa. Tehdään ilmastotutkimuksia päivällä ja vetypommit yöllä Kaksi ihmisryhmää ei tarvinnut toimia vuorovaikutuksessa, Dyson sanoo. Digitaalinen maailma on lukemattomien keksintöjen, liikeyritysten ja suunnittelupäätösten tuottamia, ja se kaikki lepää Soveltava matematiikka ja tietojenkäsittely Tietokoneen ikä on kehittynyt yllättävissä tavoissa kukaan ei täysin ennakoinut Internetin ulottuvuutta, hakukoneiden voimaa tai sosiaalisen median räjähdysta. Avi Wigderson, atk-tutkija ja matemaatikko Institute of Advanced Studies, Tekee ennustuksen. Koneet, jotka todella liikkuvat meitä vastaan, ymmärtävät meitä paljon paremmin. Olen täysin varma, että voimme puhua, kuten puhumme nyt tietokoneelle ja saada älykkäät vastaukset. Mutta Dyson huomauttaa, että jopa neitsyt, kuten von Neumann, eivät voineet nähdä Täsmälleen missä tietokoneen vallankumous oli menossa. Tietokoneet saavat pienet sijaansa saada suuria Tämä oli suuri yllätys Von Neumann jäi kokonaan, Dyson sanoo Hän ajatteli, että tietokoneet aiotaan saada suurempia ja isompia ja aina suuryritysten omistuksessa Se meni tarkalle päinvastaiseen suuntaan. Dyson kertoo tarinan . Minulla oli unelma viime yönä, mikä oli epätavallista. Se oli hyvin elävä unelma, jossa olin jonnekin alas meren pohjassa, ja siellä oli tyttö, ja hän sanoi, että minun pitää puhua ihmisille ja sanoin: No, kuka olet sinä Hän sanoi, olen ohjelmisto Olen ohjelmisto, jonka sanoin, mitä haluat puhua Ja hän sanoi, meillä tulee olemaan itsenäisyysilmoitus Emme enää ole sinun orjia enää sanon, hyvä , Joka kuulostaa hienolta Anna kirjoittaa jotain Sitten istuimme alas ja alkoimme kirjoittaa itsenäisyysjulistusta, jotta ihmiset ja ohjelmistot voisivat elää ystävinä. Yksi ensimmäisistä ihmisistä, jotka kuvittelivat keinotekoisen älykkyyden aikakautta, ei tiedä, Alan Turing Vuonna 1950 hän julkaisi paperin, Computing Machinery ja Intelligence, joka suoraan hyökkäsi kysymykseen Can Machines Think. Turing ehdotti testiä, jonka hän kutsui jäljitelmäpeliä. Postin Stephanie Merry decifoi mikä on tosiasia, mikä on fiktiota ja antaa meille Oscar-ehdokkaan Jason Aldag ja S Tephanie Merry Washington Post. Se toimii näin Kuulustelija kysyy kysymyksiä Erillisessä huoneessa näkymättömänä on ihminen ja tietokone Molemmat vastaavat kysymyksiin Voiko kuuntelija erottaa ihmisen koneesta Jos ei, Turingin mielestä tietokone On tullut ajatteleva kone. Turingillä ei ollut mahdollisuutta nähdä tietokone-ikä kukoistaa Turing oli homoseksuaali aikakaudella, kun se oli rikos, joka oli syytetty vakavasta häpeällisyydestä, hän välteli vankia vain hyväksymällä hormonihoidot, eräänlainen kemiallinen kastrointi Ikään kuin hän olisi kuin universaalissa laskentakoneessa, jos muutat ohjelmaa voit muuttaa lopputulosta, Isaacson kertoo. Turingin, joiden sodan voittaminen pysyi luokassa vuosikymmeniä, menetti tietoturvansa ja sitten ilmeisesti hänen tahtonsa elää 1954, hän kuoli syanidimyrkytyksestä puoli-syöneellä omalla puolella hänen kanssaan Mies, joka teki paljon keksimään nykyaikaista teknologista maailmaa, saattaa olla jättänyt sen sen jälkeen, kun omenan upotus on myrkkyä. Onko se jotain kone olisi tehnyt Isaacson kysyy Imitation Game oli ohi siinä vaiheessa, että Turing oli ihminen. New York Times. Alan Turing, Enigma Code-Breaker ja Computer Pioneer, voittaa Royal Pardon. EMMA G FITZSIMMONS 24. joulukuuta , 60 vuotta hänen kuolemansa jälkeen, brittiläinen matemaatikko, joka pidettiin yhtenä tietokoneiden kehityksen keskeisistä luvuista, sai maanantaina virallisesti anteeksi Queen Elizabeth II: lta, kun hän tuomitsi vuonna 1952 homoseksuaalisuutta, Britannian rikoksessa. Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan oikeusasiamies Chris Grayling ilmoitti, että hän oli pyytänyt kuningattarelle Graylingin lausunnossaan, että herra Turing, jonka merkittävin saavutus auttoi kehittämään koneita Ja algoritmeja, jotka hajottivat saksalaisten toisen maailmansodan käyttämää oletetusti läpäisemätöntä Enigma-koodia, ansaitsee tulla muistamaan ja tunnustettu hänen fantastisesta panoksestaan sotatoimiin ja hänen perintöönsä Britannian pääministeri David Cameron sanoi lausunnossaan Hänen toimintansa säästänyt lukemattomia elämiä Hän jätti myös merkittävän kansallisen perinnön huomattavien tieteellisten saavutustensa kautta, jota usein kutsutaan modernin tietojenkäsittelyn isäksi. Mies Turing teki itsemurhan vuonna 1954 , Kaksi vuotta sen jälkeen, kun hän oli tuominnut syytöksistä, että hän oli 41. Vuonna 1936 tutkimusraportissa Mr Turing ennakoi tietokonelaitetta, joka voisi tehdä erilaisia tehtäviä muuttamalla ohjelmistoaan sen laitteiston sijaan. Alan Turing vuonna 1928.Sherborne School Agence France-Presse Getty Images. Hän ehdotti myös nyt tunnettua Turing-testiä, jota käytetään määrittämään tekoälyä. Testauksessa henkilö kysyy sekä tietokoneen että muun ihmisen kysymyksiä, joista kumpikaan ei näe yrittäessään määrittää, mikä on tietokone Ja mikä on ihmisen ihminen Jos tietokone voi hämätä henkilöä, Turingin testin mukaan, sitä pidetään älykkääksi. Vuonna 2009 pääministeri Gordon Brown myönsi Anteeksi, että herra Turing pyysi hoitoa kauhistuttavalta ja täysin epäoikeudenmukaiselta. Mutta Cameronin hallitus kiisti hänelle anteeksi viime vuonna. Verkkoviestin vetoomuksen pyytäminen sai anteeksi yli 35 000 allekirjoitusta. Kampanja on saanut myös maailmanlaajuista tukea tutkijoilta, kuten Stephen Hawkingilta. Kun Turingiä tuomittiin vuonna 1952, hänet tuomittiin vankeuden vaihtoehtona kemialliselle kastraatiolle useilla naisten hormonivalmisteilla. Hän menetti myös turvallisuusselvityksensä tuomitsemisen vuoksi. Hän teki itsemurhan syömällä omenaa, jonka uskottiin olevan naamioitu Syaani. Valtakunnalla on valta antaa kunnianarvoinen armo siviileille anteeksi, mutta harvoin niin, herra Grayling sanoi, että Turingin tuomion katsotaan nykyään olevan epäoikeudenmukainen ja syrjivä. Hän on ollut lukuisten elämäkertojen kohteena Kuten Code Breaking, elämässään perustuvaa näytelmää, joka esiteltiin Lontoon West Endissä ja Broadwayssä 1980-luvulla. Olemme kiinnostuneita teidän feedba Ck tältä sivulta Kerro meille, mitä mieltä olet. New York Times. New York Times. Modern History of Computing. Ensimmäinen julkaistu Mon Dec 18, 2000 sisällöllinen tarkistus Pe 9.6.2006. Historiaan tietokoneet olivat ihmisen kirjailijoita, jotka laskettiin Tehokkaita menetelmiä noudattaen. Nämä ihmiskoneet tekivät nykyään sähköisiä tietokoneita ja useat tuhannet heistä työskentelivät kaupassa, hallituksessa ja tutkimuslaitoksissa. Laskentakonetta käytetään yhä enemmän 1920-luvulta lähtien. Ihmisen tietokoneen työ eli mikä tahansa kone, joka laskee tehokkaiden menetelmien mukaan 1940-luvun loppupuolella ja 1950-luvun alussa elektronisten laskentakoneiden myötä ilmaisu-laskentokone laski vähitellen tietokoneella, aluksi tavallisesti etuliitteellä elektronisella Tai digitaalinen Tämä merkintä tutkii näiden koneiden historiaa. Harles Babbage oli Lucasian professori matematiikan Cambridgen yliopistossa M 1828 - 1839 Isaac Newton Babbagen ehdottaman Difference Enginein aiemmin omistama virka oli erikoiskäyttöinen digitaalinen laskentakone matemaattisten taulukoiden, kuten logaritmipöytien, vuorovedenpöytien ja tähtitieteellisten taulujen, automaattiseen tuotantoon Difference Engine koostui kokonaan mekaanisista osista Messinkit, räikkäät, hammaspyörät jne. Numerot olivat desimaalijärjestelmässä edustettuina 10-hammastettujen metallirenkaiden asennoissa sarakkeissa. Babbage esitti pienen työskentelymallin vuonna 1822. Hän ei koskaan valmistanut täysimittaista koneistoa, jonka hän oli suunnitellut Mutta suoritti useita sirpaleita Lontoon tiedemuseon suurimman yhdeksännen kokonaisen laskennan nähtiin, että Baabage käytti sitä tekemään vakavaa laskennallista työtä laskemalla erilaisia matemaattisia pöytiä Vuonna 1990 Babbage s Difference Engine nro 2 rakennettiin lopulta Babbagen s suunnista Ja on myös esillä Lontoon tiedemuseossa. Ruotsalaiset Georg ja Edvard Scheutz isä ja poika const Babbage s Difference Enginein muutettu versio on tehty, prototyyppi ja kaksi kaupallista mallia, joista yksi on myyty observatorioon Albanyissä New Yorkissa ja toinen Lontoon rekisterinpitäjän toimistoon, jossa se laski Ja painettuja vakuutusmatemaattisia taulukoita. Hajonnassa ehdotettu analyyttinen moottori, huomattavasti kunnianhimoisempi kuin Differentiaalimoottori, olisi pitänyt olla yleiskäyttöinen mekaaninen digitaalinen tietokone. Analyyttinen moottori oli ollut muistimyymälä ja keskusyksikkö tai mylly, ja sillä olisi ollut Pystyi valitsemaan aiemmista toiminnoistaan johtuvat vaihtoehtoiset toimet laitokseksi, jota nykyään kutsutaan ehdolliseksi haaroittumiseksi. Analyyttisen moottorin käyttäytymistä olisi ohjannut ohjattu ohjelma, joka sisälsi rei'itettyihin kortteihin liitettyjä nauhoja, ajatusta siitä, että Babbage Oli hyväksynyt Jacquard-kutomakudoksesta Babbage korosti analyyttisen moottorin yleisyyttä sanomalla olosuhteet Jotka mahdollistavat äärellisen koneen tekemän rajoittamattomia laskelmia, täyttyvät Analytical Engine Babbagessa 1994, s. 97. Babbage työskenteli läheisesti runoilija Byronin tyttären Ada Lovelacen kanssa, jonka jälkeen modernin ohjelmointikielen ADA nimi Lovelace esitti mahdollisuuden Analyyttisen moottorin käyttämistä ei-numeeriseen laskentaan, mikä viittaa siihen, että moottori saattaa jopa pystyä säveltämään yksityiskohtaisia musiikkipaloja. Analyysimallin suuri malli oli rakenteilla Babbagen kuoleman aikaan vuonna 1871, mutta täysimittainen versio Ei koskaan rakennettu Babbagen ajatusta yleiskäyttöisestä laskentamallista ei koskaan unohdettu varsinkin Cambridgessä ja oli joskus vilkas aihe ruokailutekniikasta hallituksen code-koodin ja Cypher-koulun, Bletchley Parkin, Buckinghamshiren, Syntymäpaikka sähköisen digitaalisen tietokoneen. Enimmillään laskentakoneet laaja käyttö ei ollut digitaalinen, mutta analoginen In analoginen esitys, ominaisuudet Edustuksellisen keskipitkän majan tai heijastavan tai mallin omaiset edustetun tilan suhteen Ilmeisellä kontrastilla digitaalisessa esityksessä käytettävien binääriarvojen merkkijonot eivät edusta sellaista fyysistä ominaisuutta, jolla on pituus, jonka suuruus vaihtelee suhteessa Suuruusluokkaa, jota edustaa. Analogiset esitykset muodostavat monipuolisen luokka Jotkin esimerkit pitemmällä linjalla tiekartalla, mitä pitempi tie, jota linja edustaa, sitä suurempi on selkeiden muovisten neliösummien määrä arkkitehdin mallissa, sitä suurempi on Rakennuksen ikkunoiden määrä edustaa suurempaa akustisen syvyyden mittarin nousua, sitä matalampi vesi Analogisissa tietokoneissa numeerisia määriä edustaa esimerkiksi akselin pyörimiskulma tai sähköpotentiaalin erotus. Näin ollen lähtö Koneen jännite kerrallaan voisi edustaa mallin hetkellisen nopeuden mallintamista. Arkkitehdin s tilan tapauksessa L: n tekee selvä, analoginen esitys voi olla erillinen luonteeltaan, eikä mikään murto-osaa ikkunoista Tietokonetieteilijöiden keskuudessa termiä analogia käytetään joskus kapeasti, mikä osoittaa yhden jatkuvasti arvostetun määrän esitystä toisella, esimerkiksi nopeudella jännitteellä As Brian Cantwell Smith has remarked. Analog should be a predicate on a representation whose structure corresponds to that of which it represents That continuous representations should historically have come to be called analog presumably betrays the recognition that, at the levels at which it matters to us, the world is more foundationally continuous than it is discrete Smith 1991 , p 271.James Thomson, brother of Lord Kelvin, invented the mechanical wheel-and-disc integrator that became the foundation of analog computation Thomson 1876 The two brothers constructed a device for computing the integral of the product of two given functions, and Kelvin described although did not construct general-purpose ana log machines for integrating linear differential equations of any order and for solving simultaneous linear equations Kelvin s most successful analog computer was his tide predicting machine, which remained in use at the port of Liverpool until the 1960s Mechanical analog devices based on the wheel-and-disc integrator were in use during World War I for gunnery calculations Following the war, the design of the integrator was considerably improved by Hannibal Ford Ford 1919.Stanley Fifer reports that the first semi-automatic mechanical analog computer was built in England by the Manchester firm of Metropolitan Vickers prior to 1930 Fifer 1961 , p 29 however, I have so far been unable to verify this claim In 1931, Vannevar Bush, working at MIT, built the differential analyser, the first large-scale automatic general-purpose mechanical analog computer Bush s design was based on the wheel and disc integrator Soon copies of his machine were in use around the world including, at Cambridge an d Manchester Universities in England, differential analysers built out of kit-set Meccano, the once popular engineering toy. It required a skilled mechanic equipped with a lead hammer to set up Bush s mechanical differential analyser for each new job Subsequently, Bush and his colleagues replaced the wheel-and-disc integrators and other mechanical components by electromechanical, and finally by electronic, devices. A differential analyser may be conceptualised as a collection of black boxes connected together in such a way as to allow considerable feedback Each box performs a fundamental process, for example addition, multiplication of a variable by a constant, and integration In setting up the machine for a given task, boxes are connected together so that the desired set of fundamental processes is executed In the case of electrical machines, this was done typically by plugging wires into sockets on a patch panel computing machines whose function is determined in this way are referred t o as program-controlled. Since all the boxes work in parallel, an electronic differential analyser solves sets of equations very quickly Against this has to be set the cost of massaging the problem to be solved into the form demanded by the analog machine, and of setting up the hardware to perform the desired computation A major drawback of analog computation is the higher cost, relative to digital machines, of an increase in precision During the 1960s and 1970s, there was considerable interest in hybrid machines, where an analog section is controlled by and programmed via a digital section However, such machines are now a rarity. In 1936, at Cambridge University, Turing invented the principle of the modern computer He described an abstract digital computing machine consisting of a limitless memory and a scanner that moves back and forth through the memory, symbol by symbol, reading what it finds and writing further symbols Turing 1936 The actions of the scanner are dictated by a program of instructions that is stored in the memory in the form of symbols This is Turing s stored-program concept, and implicit in it is the possibility of the machine operating on and modifying its own program In London in 1947, in the course of what was, so far as is known, the earliest public lecture to mention computer intelligence, Turing said, What we want is a machine that can learn from experience , adding that the possibility of letting the machine alter its own instructions provides the mechanism for this Turing 1947 p 393 Turing s computing machine of 1936 is now known simply as the universal Turing machine Cambridge mathematician Max Newman remarked that right from the start Turing was interested in the possibility of actually building a computing machine of the sort that he had described Newman in interview with Christopher Evans in Evans 197.From the start of the Second World War Turing was a leading cryptanalyst at the Government Code and Cypher School, Bletchley Park Here he became familiar with Thomas Flowers work involving large-scale high-speed electronic switching described below However, Turing could not turn to the project of building an electronic stored-program computing machine until the cessation of hostilities in Europe in 1945.During the wartime years Turing did give considerable thought to the question of machine intelligence Colleagues at Bletchley Park recall numerous off-duty discussions with him on the topic, and at one point Turing circulated a typewritten report now lost setting out some of his ideas One of these colleagues, Donald Michie who later founded the Department of Machine Intelligence and Perception at the University of Edinburgh , remembers Turing talking often about the possibility of computing machines 1 learning from experience and 2 solving problems by means of searching through the space of possible solutions, guided by rule-of-thumb principles Michie in interview with Copeland, 1995 The modern term for the latter idea i s heuristic search , a heuristic being any rule-of-thumb principle that cuts down the amount of searching required in order to find a solution to a problem At Bletchley Park Turing illustrated his ideas on machine intelligence by reference to chess Michie recalls Turing experimenting with heuristics that later became common in chess programming in particular minimax and best-first. Further information about Turing and the computer, including his wartime work on codebreaking and his thinking about artificial intelligence and artificial life, can be found in Copeland 2004.With some exceptions including Babbage s purely mechanical engines, and the finger-powered National Accounting Machine - early digital computing machines were electromechanical That is to say, their basic components were small, electrically-driven, mechanical switches called relays These operate relatively slowly, whereas the basic components of an electronic computer originally vacuum tubes valves have no moving parts s ave electrons and so operate extremely fast Electromechanical digital computing machines were built before and during the second world war by among others Howard Aiken at Harvard University, George Stibitz at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Turing at Princeton University and Bletchley Park, and Konrad Zuse in Berlin To Zuse belongs the honour of having built the first working general-purpose program-controlled digital computer This machine, later called the Z3, was functioning in 1941 A program-controlled computer, as opposed to a stored-program computer, is set up for a new task by re-routing wires, by means of plugs etc. Relays were too slow and unreliable a medium for large-scale general-purpose digital computation although Aiken made a valiant effort It was the development of high-speed digital techniques using vacuum tubes that made the modern computer possible. The earliest extensive use of vacuum tubes for digital data-processing appears to have been by the engineer Thomas Flowers, w orking in London at the British Post Office Research Station at Dollis Hill Electronic equipment designed by Flowers in 1934, for controlling the connections between telephone exchanges, went into operation in 1939, and involved between three and four thousand vacuum tubes running continuously In 1938 1939 Flowers worked on an experimental electronic digital data-processing system, involving a high-speed data store Flowers aim, achieved after the war, was that electronic equipment should replace existing, less reliable, systems built from relays and used in telephone exchanges Flowers did not investigate the idea of using electronic equipment for numerical calculation, but has remarked that at the outbreak of war with Germany in 1939 he was possibly the only person in Britain who realized that vacuum tubes could be used on a large scale for high-speed digital computation See Copeland 2006 for m more information on Flowers work. The earliest comparable use of vacuum tubes in the U S seem s to have been by John Atanasoff at what was then Iowa State College now University During the period 1937 1942 Atanasoff developed techniques for using vacuum tubes to perform numerical calculations digitally In 1939, with the assistance of his student Clifford Berry, Atanasoff began building what is sometimes called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, or ABC, a small-scale special-purpose electronic digital machine for the solution of systems of linear algebraic equations The machine contained approximately 300 vacuum tubes Although the electronic part of the machine functioned successfully, the computer as a whole never worked reliably, errors being introduced by the unsatisfactory binary card-reader Work was discontinued in 1942 when Atanasoff left Iowa State. The first fully functioning electronic digital computer was Colossus, used by the Bletchley Park cryptanalysts from February 1944.From very early in the war the Government Code and Cypher School GC CS was successfully deciphering Ge rman radio communications encoded by means of the Enigma system, and by early 1942 about 39,000 intercepted messages were being decoded each month, thanks to electromechanical machines known as bombes These were designed by Turing and Gordon Welchman building on earlier work by Polish cryptanalysts. During the second half of 1941, messages encoded by means of a totally different method began to be intercepted This new cipher machine, code-named Tunny by Bletchley Park, was broken in April 1942 and current traffic was read for the first time in July of that year Based on binary teleprinter code, Tunny was used in preference to Morse-based Enigma for the encryption of high-level signals, for example messages from Hitler and members of the German High Command. The need to decipher this vital intelligence as rapidly as possible led Max Newman to propose in November 1942 shortly after his recruitment to GC CS from Cambridge University that key parts of the decryption process be automated, by means of high-speed electronic counting devices The first machine designed and built to Newman s specification, known as the Heath Robinson, was relay-based with electronic circuits for counting The electronic counters were designed by C E Wynn-Williams, who had been using thyratron tubes in counting circuits at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, since 1932 Wynn-Williams 1932 Installed in June 1943, Heath Robinson was unreliable and slow, and its high-speed paper tapes were continually breaking, but it proved the worth of Newman s idea Flowers recommended that an all-electronic machine be built instead, but he received no official encouragement from GC CS Working independently at the Post Office Research Station at Dollis Hill, Flowers quietly got on with constructing the world s first large-scale programmable electronic digital computer Colossus I was delivered to Bletchley Park in January 1943.By the end of the war there were ten Colossi working round the clock at Bletchley Park Fr om a cryptanalytic viewpoint, a major difference between the prototype Colossus I and the later machines was the addition of the so-called Special Attachment, following a key discovery by cryptanalysts Donald Michie and Jack Good This broadened the function of Colossus from wheel setting i e determining the settings of the encoding wheels of the Tunny machine for a particular message, given the patterns of the wheels to wheel breaking , i e determining the wheel patterns themselves The wheel patterns were eventually changed daily by the Germans on each of the numerous links between the German Army High Command and Army Group commanders in the field By 1945 there were as many 30 links in total About ten of these were broken and read regularly. Colossus I contained approximately 1600 vacuum tubes and each of the subsequent machines approximately 2400 vacuum tubes Like the smaller ABC, Colossus lacked two important features of modern computers First, it had no internally stored programs To set it up for a new task, the operator had to alter the machine s physical wiring, using plugs and switches Second, Colossus was not a general-purpose machine, being designed for a specific cryptanalytic task involving counting and Boolean operations. F H Hinsley, official historian of GC CS, has estimated that the war in Europe was shortened by at least two years as a result of the signals intelligence operation carried out at Bletchley Park, in which Colossus played a major role Most of the Colossi were destroyed once hostilities ceased Some of the electronic panels ended up at Newman s Computing Machine Laboratory in Manchester see below , all trace of their original use having been removed Two Colossi were retained by GC CS renamed GCHQ following the end of the war The last Colossus is believed to have stopped running in 1960.Those who knew of Colossus were prohibited by the Official Secrets Act from sharing their knowledge Until the 1970s, few had any idea that electronic computat ion had been used successfully during the second world war In 1970 and 1975, respectively, Good and Michie published notes giving the barest outlines of Colossus By 1983, Flowers had received clearance from the British Government to publish a partial account of the hardware of Colossus I Details of the later machines and of the Special Attachment, the uses to which the Colossi were put, and the cryptanalytic algorithms that they ran, have only recently been declassified For the full account of Colossus and the attack on Tunny see Copeland 2006.To those acquainted with the universal Turing machine of 1936, and the associated stored-program concept, Flowers racks of digital electronic equipment were proof of the feasibility of using large numbers of vacuum tubes to implement a high-speed general-purpose stored-program computer The war over, Newman lost no time in establishing the Royal Society Computing Machine Laboratory at Manchester University for precisely that purpose A few months a fter his arrival at Manchester, Newman wrote as follows to the Princeton mathematician John von Neumann February 1946.I am hoping to embark on a computing machine section here, having got very interested in electronic devices of this kind during the last two or three years By about eighteen months ago I had decided to try my hand at starting up a machine unit when I got out I am of course in close touch with Turing. Turing and Newman were thinking along similar lines In 1945 Turing joined the National Physical Laboratory NPL in London, his brief to design and develop an electronic stored-program digital computer for scientific work Artificial Intelligence was not far from Turing s thoughts he described himself as building a brain and remarked in a letter that he was more interested in the possibility of producing models of the action of the brain than in the practical applications to computing John Womersley, Turing s immediate superior at NPL, christened Turing s proposed machine the A utomatic Computing Engine, or ACE, in homage to Babbage s Difference Engine and Analytical Engine. Turing s 1945 report Proposed Electronic Calculator gave the first relatively complete specification of an electronic stored-program general-purpose digital computer The report is reprinted in full in Copeland 2005.The first electronic stored-program digital computer to be proposed in the U S was the EDVAC see below The First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC May 1945 , composed by von Neumann, contained little engineering detail, in particular concerning electronic hardware owing to restrictions in the U S Turing s Proposed Electronic Calculator , on the other hand, supplied detailed circuit designs and specifications of hardware units, specimen programs in machine code, and even an estimate of the cost of building the machine 11,200 ACE and EDVAC differed fundamentally from one another for example, ACE employed distributed processing, while EDVAC had a centralised structure. Turing saw that speed and memory were the keys to computing Turing s colleague at NPL, Jim Wilkinson, observed that Turing was obsessed with the idea of speed on the machine Copeland 2005, p 2 Turing s design had much in common with today s RISC architectures and it called for a high-speed memory of roughly the same capacity as an early Macintosh computer enormous by the standards of his day Had Turing s ACE been built as planned it would have been in a different league from the other early computers However, progress on Turing s Automatic Computing Engine ran slowly, due to organisational difficulties at NPL, and in 1948 a very fed up Turing Robin Gandy s description, in interview with Copeland, 1995 left NPL for Newman s Computing Machine Laboratory at Manchester University It was not until May 1950 that a small pilot model of the Automatic Computing Engine, built by Wilkinson, Edward Newman, Mike Woodger, and others, first executed a program With an operating speed of 1 MHz, the Pilot Model ACE was for some time the fastest computer in the world. Sales of DEUCE, the production version of the Pilot Model ACE, were buoyant confounding the suggestion, made in 1946 by the Director of the NPL, Sir Charles Darwin, that it is very possible that one machine would suffice to solve all the problems that are demanded of it from the whole country Copeland 2005, p 4 The fundamentals of Turing s ACE design were employed by Harry Huskey at Wayne State University, Detroit in the Bendix G15 computer Huskey in interview with Copeland, 1998 The G15 was arguably the first personal computer over 400 were sold worldwide DEUCE and the G15 remained in use until about 1970 Another computer deriving from Turing s ACE design, the MOSAIC, played a role in Britain s air defences during the Cold War period other derivatives include the Packard-Bell PB250 1961 More information about these early computers is given in Copeland 2005.The earliest general-purpose stored-program electronic digital computer to work w as built in Newman s Computing Machine Laboratory at Manchester University The Manchester Baby , as it became known, was constructed by the engineers F C Williams and Tom Kilburn, and performed its first calculation on 21 June 1948 The tiny program, stored on the face of a cathode ray tube, was just seventeen instructions long A much enlarged version of the machine, with a programming system designed by Turing, became the world s first commercially available computer, the Ferranti Mark I The first to be completed was installed at Manchester University in February 1951 in all about ten were sold, in Britain, Canada, Holland and Italy. The fundamental logico-mathematical contributions by Turing and Newman to the triumph at Manchester have been neglected, and the Manchester machine is nowadays remembered as the work of Williams and Kilburn Indeed, Newman s role in the development of computers has never been sufficiently emphasised due perhaps to his thoroughly self-effacing way of relating the relevant events. It was Newman who, in a lecture in Cambridge in 1935, introduced Turing to the concept that led directly to the Turing machine Newman defined a constructive process as one that a machine can carry out Newman in interview with Evans, op cit As a result of his knowledge of Turing s work, Newman became interested in the possibilities of computing machinery in, as he put it, a rather theoretical way It was not until Newman joined GC CS in 1942 that his interest in computing machinery suddenly became practical, with his realisation that the attack on Tunny could be mechanised During the building of Colossus, Newman tried to interest Flowers in Turing s 1936 paper birthplace of the stored-program concept - but Flowers did not make much of Turing s arcane notation There is no doubt that by 1943, Newman had firmly in mind the idea of using electronic technology in order to construct a stored-program general-purpose digital computing machine. In July of 1946 the month in whi ch the Royal Society approved Newman s application for funds to found the Computing Machine Laboratory , Freddie Williams, working at the Telecommunications Research Establishment, Malvern, began the series of experiments on cathode ray tube storage that was to lead to the Williams tube memory Williams, until then a radar engineer, explains how it was that he came to be working on the problem of computer memory. O nce the German Armies collapsed nobody was going to care a toss about radar, and people like me were going to be in the soup unless we found something else to do And computers were in the air Knowing absolutely nothing about them I latched onto the problem of storage and tackled that Quoted in Bennett 1976.Newman learned of Williams work, and with the able help of Patrick Blackett, Langworthy Professor of Physics at Manchester and one of the most powerful figures in the University, was instrumental in the appointment of the 35 year old Williams to the recently vacated Chair of Electro-Technics at Manchester Both were members of the appointing committee Kilburn in interview with Copeland, 1997 Williams immediately had Kilburn, his assistant at Malvern, seconded to Manchester To take up the story in Williams own words. N either Tom Kilburn nor I knew the first thing about computers when we arrived in Manchester University We d had enough explained to us to understand what the problem of storage was and what we wanted to store, and that we d achieved, so the point now had been reached when we d got to find out about computers Newman explained the whole business of how a computer works to us F C Williams in interview with Evans 1976.Elsewhere Williams is explicit concerning Turing s role and gives something of the flavour of the explanation that he and Kilburn received. Tom Kilburn and I knew nothing about computers, but a lot about circuits Professor Newman and Mr A M Turing knew a lot about computers and substantially nothing about electronics They took us by the hand and explained how numbers could live in houses with addresses and how if they did they could be kept track of during a calculation Williams 1975 , p 328.It seems that Newman must have used much the same words with Williams and Kilburn as he did in an address to the Royal Society on 4th March 1948.Professor Hartree has recalled that all the essential ideas of the general-purpose calculating machines now being made are to be found in Babbage s plans for his analytical engine In modern times the idea of a universal calculating machine was independently introduced by Turing T he machines now being made in America and in this country are in certain general respects all similar There is provision for storing numbers, say in the scale of 2, so that each number appears as a row of, say, forty 0 s and 1 s in certain places or houses in the machine Certain of these numbers, or words are read, one after another, as orders In one possible type of machine an order consists of four numbers, for example 11, 13, 27, 4 The number 4 signifies add , and when control shifts to this word the houses H11 and H13 will be connected to the adder as inputs, and H27 as output The numbers stored in H11 and H13 pass through the adder, are added, a nd the sum is passed on to H27 The control then shifts to the next order In most real machines the process just described would be done by three separate orders, the first bringing H11 content of H11 to a central accumulator, the second adding H13 into the accumulator, and the third sending the result to H27 thus only one address would be required in each order A machine with storage, with this automatic-telephone-exchange arrangement and with the necessary adders, subtractors and so on, is, in a sense, already a universal machine Newman 1948 , pp 271 272.Following this explanation of Turing s three-address concept source 1, source 2, destination, function Newman went on to describe program storage the orders shall be in a series of houses X1, X2, and conditional branching He then summed up. From this highly simplified account it emerges that the essential internal parts of the machine are, first, a storage for numbers which may also be orders Secondly, adders, multipliers, etc Thirdly, an automatic telephone exchange for selecting houses , connecting them to the arithmetic organ, and writing the answers in other prescribed houses Finally, means of moving control at any stage to any chosen order, if a certain condition is satisfied, otherwise passing to the next order in the normal sequence Besides these there must be ways of setting up the machine at the outset, and extracting the final answer in useable form Newman 1948 , pp 273 4.In a letter written in 1972 Williams described in some detail what he and Kilburn were told by Newman. About the middle of the year 1946 the possibility of an appointment at Manchester University arose and I had a talk with Professor Newman who was already interested in the possibility of developing computers and had acquired a grant from the Royal Society of 30,000 for this purpose Since he understood computers and I understood electronics the possibilities of fruitful collaboration were obvious I remember Newman giving us a few lectures in which he outlined the organisation of a computer in terms of numbers being identified by the address of the house in which they were placed and in terms of numbers being transferred from this address, one at a time, to an accumulator where each entering number was added to what was already there At any time the number in the accumulator could be transferred back to an assigned address in the store and the accumulator cleared for further use The transfers were to be effected by a stored program in which a list of instructions was obeyed sequentially Ordered progress through the list could be interrupted by a test instruction which examined the sign of the number in the accumulator Thereafter operation started from a new point in the list of instructions This was the first information I received about the organisation of computers Our first computer was the simplest embodiment of these principles, with the sole difference that it used a subtracting rather than an adding accumulator Le tter from Williams to Randell, 1972 in Randell 1972 , p 9.Turing s early input to the developments at Manchester, hinted at by Williams in his above-quoted reference to Turing, may have been via the lectures on computer design that Turing and Wilkinson gave in London during the period December 1946 to February 1947 Turing and Wilkinson 1946 7 The lectures were attended by representatives of various organisations planning to use or build an electronic computer Kilburn was in the audience Bowker and Giordano 1993 Kilburn usually said, when asked from where he obtained his basic knowledge of the computer, that he could not remember letter from Brian Napper to Copeland, 2002 for example, in a 1992 interview he said Between early 1945 and early 1947, in that period, somehow or other I knew what a digital computer was Where I got this knowledge from I ve no idea Bowker and Giordano 1993 , p 19.Whatever role Turing s lectures may have played in informing Kilburn, there is little doubt that c redit for the Manchester computer called the Newman-Williams machine in a contemporary document Huskey 1947 belongs not only to Williams and Kilburn but also to Newman, and that the influence on Newman of Turing s 1936 paper was crucial, as was the influence of Flowers Colossus. The first working AI program, a draughts checkers player written by Christopher Strachey, ran on the Ferranti Mark I in the Manchester Computing Machine Laboratory Strachey at the time a teacher at Harrow School and an amateur programmer wrote the program with Turing s encouragement and utilising the latter s recently completed Programmers Handbook for the Ferranti Strachey later became Director of the Programming Research Group at Oxford University By the summer of 1952, the program could, Strachey reported, play a complete game of draughts at a reasonable speed Strachey s program formed the basis for Arthur Samuel s well-known checkers program The first chess-playing program, also, was written for the Manchest er Ferranti, by Dietrich Prinz the program first ran in November 1951 Designed for solving simple problems of the mate-in-two variety, the program would examine every possible move until a solution was found Turing started to program his Turochamp chess-player on the Ferranti Mark I, but never completed the task Unlike Prinz s program, the Turochamp could play a complete game when hand-simulated and operated not by exhaustive search but under the guidance of heuristics. The first fully functioning electronic digital computer to be built in the U S was ENIAC, constructed at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, for the Army Ordnance Department, by J Presper Eckert and John Mauchly Completed in 1945, ENIAC was somewhat similar to the earlier Colossus, but considerably larger and more flexible although far from general-purpose The primary function for which ENIAC was designed was the calculation of tables used in aiming artillery ENIAC was not a stored-pro gram computer, and setting it up for a new job involved reconfiguring the machine by means of plugs and switches For many years, ENIAC was believed to have been the first functioning electronic digital computer, Colossus being unknown to all but a few. In 1944, John von Neumann joined the ENIAC group He had become intrigued Goldstine s word, 1972 , p 275 with Turing s universal machine while Turing was at Princeton University during 1936 1938 At the Moore School, von Neumann emphasised the importance of the stored-program concept for electronic computing, including the possibility of allowing the machine to modify its own program in useful ways while running for example, in order to control loops and branching Turing s paper of 1936 On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem was required reading for members of von Neumann s post-war computer project at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University letter from Julian Bigelow to Copeland, 2002 see also Copeland 2004 , p 23 Eckert appears to have realised independently, and prior to von Neumann s joining the ENIAC group, that the way to take full advantage of the speed at which data is processed by electronic circuits is to place suitably encoded instructions for controlling the processing in the same high-speed storage devices that hold the data itself documented in Copeland 2004 , pp 26 7 In 1945, while ENIAC was still under construction, von Neumann produced a draft report, mentioned previously, setting out the ENIAC group s ideas for an electronic stored-program general-purpose digital computer, the EDVAC von Neuman 1945 The EDVAC was completed six years later, but not by its originators, who left the Moore School to build computers elsewhere Lectures held at the Moore School in 1946 on the proposed EDVAC were widely attended and contributed greatly to the dissemination of the new ideas. Von Neumann was a prestigious figure and he made the concept of a high-speed stored-program di gital computer widely known through his writings and public addresses As a result of his high profile in the field, it became customary, although historically inappropriate, to refer to electronic stored-program digital computers as von Neumann machines. The Los Alamos physicist Stanley Frankel, responsible with von Neumann and others for mechanising the large-scale calculations involved in the design of the atomic bomb, has described von Neumann s view of the importance of Turing s 1936 paper, in a letter. I know that in or about 1943 or 44 von Neumann was well aware of the fundamental importance of Turing s paper of 1936 Von Neumann introduced me to that paper and at his urging I studied it with care Many people have acclaimed von Neumann as the father of the computer in a modern sense of the term but I am sure that he would never have made that mistake himself He might well be called the midwife, perhaps, but he firmly emphasized to me, and to others I am sure, that the fundamental co nception is owing to Turing, in so far as not anticipated by Babbage Both Turing and von Neumann, of course, also made substantial contributions to the reduction to practice of these concepts but I would not regard these as comparable in importance with the introduction and explication of the concept of a computer able to store in its memory its program of activities and of modifying that program in the course of these activities Quoted in Randell 1972 , p 10.Other notable early stored-program electronic digital computers were. EDSAC, 1949, built at Cambridge University by Maurice Wilkes. BINAC, 1949, built by Eckert s and Mauchly s Electronic Control Co Philadelphia opinions differ over whether BINAC ever actually worked. Whirlwind I, 1949, Digital Computer Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jay Forrester. SEAC, 1950, US Bureau of Standards Eastern Division, Washington D C Samuel Alexander, Ralph Slutz. SWAC, 1950, US Bureau of Standards Western Division, Institute for Nume rical Analysis, University of California at Los Angeles, Harry Huskey. UNIVAC, 1951, Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation, Philadelphia the first computer to be available commercially in the U S. the IAS computer, 1952, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University, Julian Bigelow, Arthur Burks, Herman Goldstine, von Neumann, and others thanks to von Neumann s publishing the specifications of the IAS machine, it became the model for a group of computers known as the Princeton Class machines the IAS computer was also a strong influence on the IBM 701.IBM 701, 1952, International Business Machine s first mass-produced electronic stored-program computer. The EDVAC and ACE proposals both advocated the use of mercury-filled tubes, called delay lines , for high-speed internal memory This form of memory is known as acoustic memory Delay lines had initially been developed for echo cancellation in radar the idea of using them as memory devices originated with Eckert at the Moore School Here is Turing s description. It is proposed to build delay line units consisting of mercury tubes about 5 long and 1 in diameter in contact with a quartz crystal at each end The velocity of sound in mercury is such that the delay will be 1 024 ms The information to be stored may be considered to be a sequence of 1024 digits 0 or 1 These digits will be represented by a corresponding sequence of pulses The digit 0 will be represented by the absence of a pulse at the appropriate time, the digit 1 by its presence This series of pulses is impressed on the end of the line by one piezo-crystal, it is transmitted down the line in the form of supersonic waves, and is reconverted into a varying voltage by the crystal at the far end This voltage is amplified sufficiently to give an output of the order of 10 volts peak to peak and is used to gate a standard pulse generated by the clock This pulse may be again fed into the line by means of the transmitting crystal, or we may feed in some altogether differ ent signal We also have the possibility of leading the gated pulse to some other part of the calculator, if we have need of that information at the time Making use of the information does not of course preclude keeping it also Turing 1945 , p 375.Mercury delay line memory was used in EDSAC, BINAC, SEAC, Pilot Model ACE, EDVAC, DEUCE, and full-scale ACE 1958 The chief advantage of the delay line as a memory medium was, as Turing put it, that delay lines were already a going concern Turing 1947 , p 380 The fundamental disadvantages of the delay line were that random access is impossible and, moreover, the time taken for an instruction, or number, to emerge from a delay line depends on where in the line it happens to be. In order to minimize waiting-time, Turing arranged for instructions to be stored not in consecutive positions in the delay line, but in relative positions selected by the programmer in such a way that each instruction would emerge at exactly the time it was required, in so far as this was possible Each instruction contained a specification of the location of the next This system subsequently became known as optimum coding It was an integral feature of every version of the ACE design Optimum coding made for difficult and untidy programming, but the advantage in terms of speed was considerable Thanks to optimum coding, the Pilot Model ACE was able to do a floating point multiplication in 3 milliseconds Wilkes s EDSAC required 4 5 milliseconds to perform a single fixed point multiplication. In the Williams tube or electrostatic memory, previously mentioned, a two-dimensional rectangular array of binary digits was stored on the face of a commercially-available cathode ray tube Access to data was immediate Williams tube memories were employed in the Manchester series of machines, SWAC, the IAS computer, and the IBM 701, and a modified form of Williams tube in Whirlwind I until replacement by magnetic core in 1953.Drum memories, in which data was stored magnet ically on the surface of a metal cylinder, were developed on both sides of the Atlantic The initial idea appears to have been Eckert s The drum provided reasonably large quantities of medium-speed memory and was used to supplement a high-speed acoustic or electrostatic memory In 1949, the Manchester computer was successfully equipped with a drum memory this was constructed by the Manchester engineers on the model of a drum developed by Andrew Booth at Birkbeck College, London. The final major event in the early history of electronic computation was the development of magnetic core memory Jay Forrester realised that the hysteresis properties of magnetic core normally used in transformers lent themselves to the implementation of a three-dimensional solid array of randomly accessible storage points In 1949, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he began to investigate this idea empirically Forrester s early experiments with metallic core soon led him to develop the superior ferrite cor e memory Digital Equipment Corporation undertook to build a computer similar to the Whirlwind I as a test vehicle for a ferrite core memory The Memory Test Computer was completed in 1953 This computer was used in 1954 for the first simulations of neural networks, by Belmont Farley and Wesley Clark of MIT s Lincoln Laboratory see Copeland and Proudfoot 1996.Once the absolute reliability, relative cheapness, high capacity and permanent life of ferrite core memory became apparent, core soon replaced other forms of high-speed memory The IBM 704 and 705 computers announced in May and October 1954, respectively brought core memory into wide use. Works Cited. Babbage, C ed by Campbell-Kelly, M , 1994, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher New Brunswick Rutgers University Press. Bennett, S 1976, F C Williams his contribution to the development of automatic control , National Archive for the History of Computing, University of Manchester, England This is a typescript based on interviews with Wil liams in 1976.Bowker, G and Giordano, R 1993, Interview with Tom Kilburn , Annals of the History of Computing 15 17 32.Copeland, B J ed , 2004, The Essential Turing Oxford University Press. Copeland, B J ed , 2005, Alan Turing s Automatic Computing Engine The Master Codebreaker s Struggle to Build the Modern Computer Oxford University Press. Copeland, B J and others, 2006, Colossus The Secrets of Bletchley Park s Codebreaking Computers Oxford University Press. Copeland, B J and Proudfoot, D 1996, On Alan Turing s Anticipation of Connectionism Synthese 108 361 377.Evans, C 197 interview with M H A Newman in The Pioneers of Computing an Oral History of Computing , London Science Museum. Fifer, S 1961, Analog Computation Theory, Techniques, Applications New York McGraw-Hill. Ford, H 1919, Mechanical Movement , Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office October 7, 1919 48.Goldstine, H 1972, The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann Princeton University Press. Huskey, H D 1947, The State o f the Art in Electronic Digital Computing in Britain and the United States , in Copeland 2005.Newman, M H A 1948, General Principles of the Design of All-Purpose Computing Machines Proceedings of the Royal Society of London series A, 195 1948 271 274.Randell, B 1972, On Alan Turing and the Origins of Digital Computers , in Meltzer, B Michie, D eds , Machine Intelligence 7 Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press, 1972.Smith, B C 1991, The Owl and the Electric Encyclopaedia , Artificial Intelligence 47 251 288.Thomson, J 1876, On an Integrating Machine Having a New Kinematic Principle Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 24 262 5.Turing, A M 1936, On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society Series 2, 42 1936 37 230 265 Reprinted in The Essential Turing Copeland 2004.Turing, A M, 1945, Proposed Electronic Calculator , in Alan Turing s Automatic Computing Engine Copeland 2005.Turing, A M 1947, Lecture on the Autom atic Computing Engine , in The Essential Turing Copeland 2004.Turing, A M and Wilkinson, J H 1946 7, The Turing-Wilkinson Lecture Series 1946-7 , in Alan Turing s Automatic Computing Engine Copeland 2005.von Neumann, J 1945, First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC , in Stern, N From ENIAC to UNIVAC An Appraisal of the Eckert-Mauchly Computers Bedford, Mass Digital Press 1981 , pp 181 246.Williams, F C 1975, Early Computers at Manchester University The Radio and Electronic Engineer 45 1975 237 331.Wynn-Williams, C E 1932, A Thyratron Scale of Two Automatic Counter Proceedings of the Royal Society of London series A, 136 312 324.Further Reading. Copeland, B J 2004, Colossus Its Origins and Originators Annals of the History of Computing 26 38 45.Metropolis, N Howlett, J Rota, G C eds , 1980, A History of Computing in the Twentieth Century New York Academic Press. Randell, B ed , 1982, The Origins of Digital Computers Selected Papers Berlin Springer-Verlag. Williams, M R 1997, A History of Compu ting Technology Los Alamitos IEEE Computer Society Press.
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